Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Top 7: Quentin Tarantino Night, or Something Like That Night

Top 7: Quentin Tarantino Night, or something from the movies night.

Who knew Quentin Tarantino was a big American Idol fan? I didn’t. Turns out he was on season 3 as a guest judge one time? (That was before my Idol viewing days.)

Anyways….. T.I.A.I.!!!! Ryan took the lighted staircase again – without falling. We were spared the judges’ stage walk, but got to see the band in suits on stage. Nice touch. As for the judges, Randy was wearing a frat boy sweater. Kara wore a halter dress and Ryan called her provocative (?) Simon was in grey (no one is surprised,) and what the heck was Paula wearing? A bedazzled dog collar and extra long leash going down her chest?

Because of last week’s run-over (in time,) only two judges will get to speak about each contestant. This is messed up, and doesn’t seem fair, as when Simon doesn’t like something, he doesn’t spare words. We’ll see how this goes.

Who the heck was in the audience in the bandana? An aging WWF star? I think it was actually Steven Van Zandt from the E Street band. Anyone?

First up was Allison. I thought the first part was a little weak…. Couldn’t hear her words super well. But, then she rocked the house. Paula said she has that “special sauce” that Adam has. Hmm. Interesting. Simon said they could see her all the way to the end. Great compliment for her.

Next was Anoop. Quentin wanted him to “rough it up,” which I felt he didn’t end up doing. He sang really well, though, and Randy said Anoop has found his zone, he was in tune, and did a really good job. Kara also felt connected. I wonder if she is beginning to see him as a “package artist?”

Third up was Adam, with Born to Be Wild. Even Quentin Tarantino is an Adam fan, and said something about this show being about finding rock stars – and Adam is the real deal. I wrote down, after Adam sang, in big letters: A M A Z I N G! He is truly amazing. Always in tune. Incredible control of his voice. His vocal rips were unbelievable. I actually got chills. We did, however, have to endure him skipping out (awesome,) some funny hip thrusts, and smarmy looks, though. But, what do we expect? He loves musical theater - and does it well. Simon even compared it to Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Adam said he loves that show. Awesome. Paula said, “You dare to dance in the path of Greatness,” and “You are one the bravest contestants ever.” I’m thinking there needs to be a list of Paula quotes somewhere…… Wisdom by Paula….. “Dare to dance in the Path of Greatness,” etc. “Colors of the rainbow; magical; you look beautiful, etc.” Anyway, Adam was incredible and deserves to win this thing by miles.

Next was Matt singing “Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman,” by Bryan Adams. I love this song, which he proceeded to rip apart with some weird variations of the melody. Randy and Kara were not loving it, and thought he changed it up too much. Matt – you can do better!

Danny Gokey was next singing another eulogy to his wife who died. Seriously, this guy has enough emotion in him to sing any song and make it believable. I for one am not at all bothered by this, because to all those people who are bugged by him calling on this emotion and not liking it – stop it already. Not very many of us know what that does to a person, and at least he’s not mentioning it, but just using the emotion to connect to the song. Simon gave him props for the emotional connection, but didn’t like the harp and the “normal” version of the song. Paula said something about magical and beautiful.

Next was Kris, singing an awesome song, “Falling Slowly.” It was nice and good, but didn’t blow me away. Randy didn’t love it either – he called it pitchy. Kara, however, loved it and said for her, it was one of his best moments.

Last up was Lil, with straight hair, singing “The Rose.” I thought she was a little off tune at the beginning, but still liked seeing her Diva Gospel side come out at the end. I couldn’t figure out if Paula liked it or not…. She said some Paula-ism that I didn’t get. (See we need the book along with a translation. “You look beautiful tonight = song was not great. Etc.) Then, Simon totally nailed her about not picking the right song, her not being as great as she was weeks ago, and did you catch the jab he gave her after Allison sang? He said to Allison, “You might be the only hope for the girls,” or something close. That was before Lil even sang! So, Lil apparently had enough of Simon, and attempted to recite a whole soliloquy about how she chose a beautiful song and added her own R&B spin on it and kept talking and talking. Then Paula broke in with a Paula-ism which was something about the people who matter and "the road is long." Lil was trying to open a can of whoop-ass but that never really looks good on stage after critiques.
Okay, what do you guys think? Who is safe? (Duh.) Who is not safe?

1 comment:

  1. Again I find myself at the end of the show only remembering Adam. God I hope it is because of his amazing vocal performances and not because of his painted fingernails. Once again stunning. I was surprised that Simon did not give him more props, but maybe he knows that he is safe and is only trying to make him even better.

    On the other end of the spectrum, I have to say that Lil should be seeing the end of the road soon. The weaknesses in her vocal abilities as well as her style are really starting to show through.

    I would have to agree with Kara that I thought Kris nailed it with his rendition of Falling Slowly. I think he should have gotten more props for this.

    But here is one thing NO ONE is talking about. There is this big love fest with Allison, but did no one hear how pitchy she was last night? Hmmm, anyone else would have gotten panned for that. She's great for sure, but the world has fallen in love with her dramatic vocal style and is overlooking other important things.

    Bottom three - Lil, Anoop, Matt
