Thursday, April 9, 2009

Idol says goodbye to "One classy Gentleman"

Idol opened last night with lots of drama, dimmed lights, and, of course, Ryperbole. "Blah blah blah.... Whose dream is on the line?" T.I.A.I. And, we will also be treated to Flo Rida and Kelly Pickler. Oh, goodie.

We get to see the judges: Randy with overgrown paisleys on his shoulders... or amoebas, Kara in purple, Paula in a wedding dress and gloves (why?,) and Simon in the elimination night color - black.

Next we get filler - doctored photos of Paula and Simon. Awe, shucks, these producers are hilarious. Then, we get to see Frankie Avalon on video from 1959..... and then, Frankie magically appears in person. This was probably the best part of the night.... because his voice still sounds so good! The judges seemed surprised and tickled, too. That's kind of cool.

Next we get to see the filming of the Ford Vommercial. I actually wanted to see more of dramatic vaudeville Adam.......but, we only got to see seconds of the kids and the costumes and makeup deserved more. I loved Allison saying her favorite part was the costumes and makeup... she is still a teenager, after all.

Then the judges all get a chance to say how awesome they think Adam is because they didn't get to last night, and he humbly said he was very flattered by Simon's standing "o" and seems humble despite his awesomeness.

RESULTS: Adam, safe (shocker!) Kris, safe. (Bummer for my picks!) Anoop - bottom three.
I actually thought Anoop was better than Kris last night.

Then, we got to see Flo Rida with his sunglasses, huge guns for arms, and his posse that Ryan called his harem. I spent most of the time trying to figure out what the girls were wearing - white underwear? Oh, yes- silver hot pants, of course. The girl singing with him had a huge voice and an attitude to go with it. I enjoyed this performance more than Kanye's, I have to say. But, what is up with the huge egos of these guys? At least Flo Rida made a comment about "roots" - overcoming, etc. I liked that. Admiration for overcoming adversity is a good thing.

Speaking of overcoming.......I think Idol overcame the judges walk to the front of the stage.... it was missing Tuesday night. Did anyone notice that?

More RESULTS! Danny - safe. Matt- safe. Scott - bottom three.

Then, we get to see Kelly Pickler, and we are reminded of the fact that she's not that great of a singer. She gave us her charm, though, when she said she was trying not to pop a seam. That is lovable about her.... her humanity.

RESULTS: Lil, safe. Anoop, safe. Scott - bottom three. The judges said that two of them wanted him to stay, and two wanted him to go. Thank goodness he gets to go, because his next song would probably sound the same as all the others. Nice guy, though. Paula said it perfectly when she said, "You are one classy gentleman."

So, how are you guys doing? I fell down 2 spots in one of my pools - bummer! I should have gone with my first instinct. Chime in all. Anything to add?


  1. Sorry I didn't get to this sooner. Somehow I didn't get the email that there was a post and I have been wanting to ask you all this question...

    Did anyone find it odd that American Idol, America's newest brand of "family TV", asked Flo Rida to come perform his version of "You spin me round"? I certainly don't think I am a prude, but I thought his version of the lyrics to that song (not to mention the on stage dancing demonstrations) did not qualify for "family TV".

    Most of the people I have talked to heard it (especially since it was the chorus and repeated over and over), so I don't think it went over most people's heads, but it must have gone over the right people's heads, or they just don't care. But really? "You spin round baby right round when you go down, when you go downtown."

    It's not an issue for me, but I would think that they (Fox) value the younger audience that they have and that they could find just as popular of an artist that wouldn't be quite as controversial.

    Maybe it's just me.


    P.S. You all know that I WUV Kelly Pickler, but if that must have been the worst performance ever. Even her cuteness could not save that. As a matter of fact, she just wasn't even that cute. Sorry Kewwy, no wuv here. :(

  2. Lol Brad, about Kewwy. Sooooo funny. I "w" Kelly.

    Great point about Fox and the younger audience.... especially with all that pressure that young girls feel to do that.... that stinks that Fox would do that. Boo.
