Thursday, April 2, 2009

Top 9 Results: One Flew Out of the Cuckoo's Nest

Top 9 results: One Flew Out of the Cuckoo’s Nest

Is it because I watch these shows so early in the morning that they seem so bizarre to me, or are they actually quite strange?

I don’t what was weirder – Megan’s weird faces that she was making, the “caw-ing,” or the zipper over Lady Gaga’s eye?

Anyway – let’s get to the highlights.

The show started with dramatic clips from last night’s show, some Ryperbole, and a little chat with the judges. Randy said, maybe the theme was too big – “Sing Whatever You Want Night, Current or Whatever.” Awesome theme. Genius title. Then Paula said some stuff about exceeding expectations (Adam,) and Simon picked his bottom three: Anoop, Matt, and Megan. (2 out of 3, Simon, not bad.)

Then, we had the Ford Vommercial – mixing up faces and bodies. I wonder if these commercials actually work for them. My favorite: Allison’s hair, Danny’s eyes, and Anoop’s mouth. It’s the child of Tina Turner, the Verizon guy, and the Love Guru.

Next we get the treat of the Group Song, with Scott at the keyboard (nice problem-solving,) and ending with Adam in the middle with a solo. Don’t even try to pretend that he’s not the best singer, even with his 80’s rock voice.

Then we get to see the Idol House, some chocolate cake for Scott (cute,) and impersonations of each other.

Finally, some hints at results….. grouping the kids together. It turns out these groups don’t really mean anything. Filler!

Then, we get to see David Cook sing. He sounds great, his mom looked so proud, and David Cook even got teary with his gift for his album going platinum. Awe. We love our Cookie. I wish I’d downloaded some of his songs last season! Does anyone have any?

Results again. My favorite clip was seeing Jason Castro sitting behind Randy – yawning – when Ryan was talking about Scott’s performance. Classic.

Bottom three: Megan, Allison (what?), and Anoop. This doesn’t happen without cawing and weird faces from Megan, by the way.

Then, we get to see Lady Gaga. This was awesome. She had a piano filled with pink bubbly things and starfish (of course.) She wore some metal top that had to be removed by her posse before she got up to dance. She had one eye all blacked out – oh, wait! Of course! It’s a ZIPPER over her eye. So, when she gets tired, she can just zip her eye and take a rest. I should have known. She did some dancing with the Men In Black, and she wore her bathing suit bottoms and some top. I think my favorite part was the violin player with the dreads that went below his butt – that takes some serious hair-growing commitment.

Then, Simon says there’s only one worth saving (Allison!) At least that’s my opinion.

Finally we get the results. Megan is the one with the least number of votes, and she tells Anoop and Allison, “don’t forget to caw.” Stop it already, Megan! Simon gets personal, and tells her, “You said you don’t care. Neither do we … I won’t pretend we are contemplating saving you.” (Something like that.) Ouch. Ouch. Then, Megan sang her song really close to the judges’ faces with weird dancing and all. Then, they showed her goodbye montage – and she actually got teary. She actually does have a soul. And, she will do just fine in this world, I have no doubt.

What do you guys think of the results? Oh yea, my pools are looking good. I only wish Alexis hadn’t left so soon. Megan’s time was clearly up. Comments?

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