Thursday, May 14, 2009

Top 3 Elimination night


Kris is in and Danny is out!
No one looked more shocked than Kris himself!

What do you guys think?

Although I am sad for my PopPool picks, I am personally happy that Krist gets to be in the Finale. His masterful song aranging and ability to play multiple musical instruments, along with his cute baby face and underdog appeal pushed him passed Danny and into the finals.

Thank goodness Adam is still in there. Did anyone notice how beautiful he sang that little bit of the national athem? Awesome. He is an amazing singer.

So, who is going to win? Will America be able to look past Kris's sideways mouth-singing and funny faces? Will America be able to put up with Adam's white tongue sticking out and smarmy looks at the camera? Will this be about who America loves most or who is the best singer or both? Or, will it be about who doesn't bug us the most?

Let's face it, both these guys seem like nice guys. Either way they win.

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