Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Top 4 Perform Songs from the Cinema!

Last night the top four performed "Songs From the Cinema." The two things that stood out the most to me were: wierd song choices, and the duets were better than the solos.

In my opinion, the best solo performance was by Crystal (but wierd song choice.) The least effort for the solo was put in by Lee. Michael had the BEST backup singers performance, and Casey is in danger due to song choice and a little bleating in his voice.

The duets were really pretty good - especially the one by Lee and Crystal to "Falling Slowly." I did find it odd that the judges didn't even mention Kris Allen singing that song last year! Casey and Mike did a pretty good job - with the major highlight being Casey's awesome guitar playing!

What did you think of tonight's performances and song choices? How does Ellen maintain a tranquil expression sitting next to Randy while he obnoxiously yells ''BOO! BOO!'' during Simon's intro, and aren't you glad that Ellen actually made cracked a joke about "really ever loving a woman?" What did you think of Jamie Foxx as a mentor? (Did you like those t-shirts.) And who do you think will and should go home?

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I thought Jamie Foxx was good as a mentor the first time he taught the contestant to look straight into his eyes while they sang, but then when he did the same thing with each contestant it got a little old... and I'm just talking about last year.

    Elimination will be tough tonight. I think Lee was weak last night, but I don't see him or Crystal going out just yet. I personally prefer Michael over the handsome blonde kid, but then that's really the problem - can you girls do without gazing upon him for the last few weeks? I hope so. Here's to Michael making his goal of the top 3. Good thing that was his goal too because he's not likely to make it past there.
