Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Top Six "Turn the Other Cheek" and Are "In It, to Win It!"

Last night, Randy made an attempt to show that he went to Prep School, or College, or somewhere where they wear sweaters with giant letters of your first name on your sweater and striped ties, and make misused Biblical literary references.

Jacob Lusk is up first in the Death Spot, looking absolutely crazy awesome in his "outfit." What was that? He looked like a ventriloquist's doll or something from a Peewee Herman movie! Wow! Steven was glad that Jacob strutted his tail feathers and Randy says he's a great sing. I have to say that I loved Babyface in this segment because he told Jacob to control it again at the beginning. Jimmy says subtly that Jacob is in the most "jeopardy." I say Jacob goes home unless someone (Casey) does something totally crazy (like talk through his song and not sing.)

The next up is Lauren. Note: if you haven't watched it yet, this is your best time for a bathroom break - you don't need to pause it. Who was the guy? I didn't really enjoy looking at him as much as the camera did. Lauren does have a great voice, and the judges loved that her voice cracked because it showed that she was pushing it. Interpretation: the judges want her to stay.

The first duet was next with Haley and Casey. I love these two singing together. They are just both so good and comfortable on stage, and sound great! Steven called Casey "Weird Beard," which was kinda awesome.

Scotty McCreery tried to have a moment with, "You've Got a Friend." It was pretty good. He tried to keep his hand on his leg so he wouldn't "flute" the microphone, and only caved one time I think. Someone also must have told him to sit his butt down so as to not do any weird creepy dancing. Randy said he liked how Scotty turned the other cheek and he actually liked his other cheek. Weird. Jlo said she's never heard him try the higher notes before and it was okay. (So, can we just SAY that he's a one-trick pony yet?) He actually sounded okay. Safe.

Next was James, in a great performance. This song actually showed his voice: the guy sings amazingly in tune and has a great voice! Randy again said that James turned the other cheek, and I absolutely love that Randy has added this phrase to his repertoire of 10 phrases. So great!

Lauren and Scotty had a duet next where Lauren sang circles around Scotty - again.

Casey was next with an awesome crazy song. He pretty much growled and talked the whole time. I am a fan, but he just went Casey Crazy here. Aren't we supposed to be singing? The judges liked how he worked the stage and made Steven's scalp itch. (Better get that checked out, Steven.) Randy loves how Casey reminds him of his home state of New Orleans! Um, Randy....... New Orleans is not a state. No comments about the singing. Translation: the judges want him to stay. Randy added very late...... less growling! (Um, duh!)

Haley was next. She had some sound mishap, but sang amazingly well even with that stress before her song. She is so cute, and did a great job. Steven said he just saw God/heard God.

Last, Jacob and James had a hilarious "duet." The big guys in white pants made me laugh no matter what they were going to do. They themselves were cracking up that they had to do a duet together. Steven even called everyone out on the craziness of it and said he wasn't sure what they were doing with that - and didn't even smile. This is Steven, who always has something nice to say. Nice work.

So, I say it's either Jacob or Casey to go home. So, let's hear what you have to say. Are you "In It to Win It?" And, will you "Turn the other cheek" on this blog post?

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