Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Top Five "Are In It, to Win It!" (Trademark phrase)

Last night the top five Idol contestants tried to live up to Randy's catch-phrase, "In It, to Win It." I tried to make a tally for how many times Randy said that, and I was up to at least six.

The idols sang songs from "Now and Then," whatever that means. The surprise mentor this week was the incredible Sheryl Crow, who basically got to sing duets with all the idols during rehearsals. I think I would have loved to see that during the whole show.

First up was James Durbin. The judges clearly want him to stay, because the 30 Seconds to Mars song was pretty boring, had a 3-note range, and was just okay. The judges liked him anyway. Oh yea, he does have a good voice.

His second song was way better, but involved tears, emotion, and being off-key a little, but the producers and everybody want him to stay, so he's safe.

Jacob was next with the Don't Miss performances of the night. He sang "No Air" which involved pelvic thrusts and crotch grabs, and singing both parts of a duet. What's not to like there? His second song, "Love Hurts," really did hurt me, with the wierd stomping and all. But, the judges praised him. I still think he's going home.

Lauren was next. She actually was great in this up-tempo Carrie Underwood song. She was actually great. Her second song was a ballad, and she look beautiful, but the song was a little powerless. The producers want her to stay, so Jlo just said, "There's nothing to judge."

Scotty was next, singing a less boring song than usual. No more fluting the mic, either. Nice. His second song was pretty good, and he's going to be safe (surprise! Not.)

Last up was Haley. The judges ripped her up for singing an unreleased GaGa song, even though Jimmy Iovine basically told her to do it. She was really good, but the script probably told the judges to rail her a little, so they bagged on her. Not her fault. Her second song about someone becoming a ho was really really good. The acapella at the beginning was amazing and chilling, and the judges praised her. Maybe trying to add drama to the way that they ripped her earlier. She even got a standing ovation from the judges.

The best part of the night for me was when Haley gave a look at the end of her song that said, "Yah, I can sing. Take that, y'all." And, also Jacob's pelvic thrusts, crotch-grabbing, and stomping. Beautiful.

I say Jacob or Haley goes home, and I sure hope it's Jacob.

What do you think?


  1. What the hell happened last night?!! Did the judges have cotton balls in their ears or what??? I was stunned at how horribly pitchy and unstable both James and Jacob's voices were last night and the judges just praised them as though they were stars. Randy started to mention something about being a little out of tune, then backed off. I swear someone was on a teleprompter saying "don't say it Randy! Don't say anything bad".

    Yes, I am "in it to win it" too. By the looks of my picks lately I am not though. But if Jacob goes out (4th try), then I am "in it to win it!".

    Lauren, was out of tune which made her good by default, but "Zzzzzz".

    Way for Haley to pull it out on the last song. I was worried for her after her first performance and the judges critique of her, but in the end she redeemed herself.

    I guess it's gonna be Scotty this year. How weird - the magical flute playing cowboy.

    In it to win it,


  2. I agree with Brad, there were multiple out of tune, pitchy moments last night. I thought Jacob sucked with both songs. Who sings both parts of a duet? He must go home, it is past his time.

    I thought Lauren sounded pretty great during both songs. American Idol could turn out to be "country" idol with Lauren and Scotty in the finals.
