Thursday, May 12, 2011

Top 4! (Everyone Except Haley Won!)

Last night the contestants sang their hearts out and tried to show us that they are worthy of winning. Everyone got props the first round, except Haley, and they all got praise for their second songs. This was almost an exact repeat of the script from last week, which makes me a little suspicious that the judges are following a script. The judges seem incapable of saying anything bad or mean this year, except when it seems clear that they want someone to go.

How funny is this picture...... with James peeking out from behind the wall? So weird.

James was up first, singing a song from Glee, called "Don't Stop Believing." Oh, yeah, that's right. It's really a Journey song. James has a great voice, and sang it well. The problem is - it's been sung so many times that I was kinda bored. Thank God for the smoke. I was hoping for fire, as usual with James, but smoke will do. It was green, too, so that's a bonus.

His next song was Love Potion #9. This was also really good. Maybe the smoke was in this song. I can't remember. Bottom line: he's safe. I don't know if he loosened his hips enough for Gaga, but I doubt it. There were pyrotechnics, though, more importantly.

Next was Haley. The judges decided to rip her a new one for picking a song that wasn't good for her. Honestly, I think she should have picked a song that more people actually knew, but I don't think she deserved such frowny faces from Randy and Jlo. Steven can never say anything bad, apparently. He told her not to listen to them, and clearly she wasn't. She couldn't stop interrupting Randy and talking back. I actually said, "Don't talk back to the judges," out loud. (Insert my face cringing.) She is kinda over it with the two judges of doom.

Her second song was, again, a thousand times better. I think she's going home, though. Ryan ushered her down to kiss kiss with the judges, even though she seemed to be cringing at this.

Scotty was next, singing a song about Jesus, September 11, and America. Oh please. He's so smart. Safe. His second song didn't even matter and he obviously didn't even try to hide his flute-playing and limp wrist dancing, and awkward hip movements. This was the corniest dance/song performance. The audience and cameras all got goofy glances from him, and I'm going to kiss MY cross, Scotty, after that performance to hopefully take the layer of EWE off of me. He's safe because of America and Jesus and not knowing the difference between Iran and Iraq. (Why is this okay to admit?)

The best part of the night was Lady Gaga and her "mentoring" of the contestants. She was hilarious with Scotty, telling him to make the microphone his girlfriend. Scotty did not know what to do with her or that situation, which was hilarious. So, he kissed his cross, hoping to not go to hell for being touched by the crazy black and white panda, Gaga.

Speaking of Gaga, did you love her outfit and makeup? She probably said to herself, "Okay, I have to do something completely over the top to shake up American Idol a little bit." I loved the giant mole, the eye makeup, and the hot pants. Love it. Bring it, girl.

Lauren sang two songs, and what I remember the most is her very pretty eyes, her extremely long train on her dress, her cute moment with Ryan when she leaned on his shoulder, and that her singing was pretty good. She's young, and I think as she gets older she will "go for it" a little more with her voice and singing. Sometimes I think she holds back due to lack of confidence. But, this girl can sing.

Sometimes I just want to smack Randy over the head when he says, "in it to win it" ten times per night. Barf. Also, Randy, what are "Bluesy run-ses." Awesome line of the night.

Jlo looked beautiful as usual. Steven had a couple great lines, including, "don't listen to them," (the other judges,) and "you just Reinharted your way......" Pretty cool.

The best line of the weird night though, goes to Ryan, when he said, "Thank you very much for that activity," after James sang. Activity? So funny.

What do you guys think? Can Haley escape doom?

1 comment:

  1. Was Gaga trying to be a Panda or was it some sort of large bird like an Ostrich or a Penguin perhaps?

    I really hope Haley makes it, but I am scared for her. Lauren still bores me and I would rather listen to and watch Haley any day of the week, but I fear it may be her last week. I hope she is more than Steven's "blue plate special", but if not maybe we can all go out and try the blue plate special and see what it's all about.

    In it to win it,

