Monday, February 16, 2009

American Idol Season 8: Countdown to the Top 12!

Hey Idol Fans,

We've made it out of Hollywood week with 36 contestants. Those of us that have been watching the show for a while know that this is a little different than previous seasons. We normally have 24 contestants going into the final elimination rounds leading to the top 12. If you haven't been watching, now is the time. We have 4 weeks to go before the top 12 contestants are announced and the fun begins. Here's what you can expect over the next four weeks.

February 17 - 18: Group 1 performs (first 12 of the 36) and 3 contestants advance to the top 12
February 24 - 25: Group 2 performs and 3 contestants advance to the top 12
March 3 - 4: Group 3 performs and 3 contestants advance to the top 12
March 5: Wild card round and the final 3 contestants advance to the top 12
March 10: Top 12 perform and our fun begins
March 11: Week 1 results show and the American Idol '09 game begins on PopPool!! If you haven't registered, go to and sign up.

Enough of all the formalities. I want to know what you think about the contestants so far. Have we seen enough crying for this season already or what! Who are your favorites? Who do you think is going to make it to the Top 12 and who are you ready to see go home?

Let us know that you're thinking.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Beth, for clarifying how it's going to happen. Idol is changing things up a little, making us pay attention.

    First of all, out of the top 36, I feel like I have seen WAY to much of Tati-drama Del Toro and NathanYELL! Some of the others who made it through,we got to see a whole 2 seconds of, and I was left scratching my head saying, "Who????" This might affect the voting if no one has had a chance to even SEE them before! Whatsupwiththat?

    Here's to tonight when maybe, just maybe, we will get to see more singing than drama....... but, I wouldn't bet on it. Don't they know I need to rank my top 12 in 4 weeks, come on Fox!
