Wednesday, February 18, 2009

American Idol Top 36, "Weak" one of eliminations: The Performances

Top 36, “Weak” one of eliminations: The performances.

After all the weeks of auditions, seeing only seconds of some in the top 36 and seeing too much of others, we will finally get to see and hear complete songs by all survivors! It seems too good to be true! Here we go!

Ryan leads us off with lots of drama: “Now they face the toughest judges of all – you!” Um, Ryan, America’s not that tough. Remember Sanjaya?
Next we get to see our judges. Randy is wearing minimal bling with just a scarf. Laying low. Kara actually says something like, “Aaaah, I’m scared,” about being on live T.V. Simon is apparently gracing us with his presence, back from the U.K. where Ryan says he’s been for 6 months. (What?)

Then, the judges all get to say something – some words of advice to the contestants, as we have two hours to fill. Randy says they need to blow us away vocally; they need to be in it to win it, or some other winning slogan taken from a high school coach. I’m waiting for him to say they need to give 110%, and go for the glory! Awesome. Next Kara says again that she’s a little bit nervous, and tells the contestants to “Be yourself…..” and then says she’s been under the table, all over the table, …. And Ryan stops her thankfully. Paula then says something extremely profound: “You have to make the magic happen in 1 minute 20, this is all your dream…. You look to the right, look to the left, whoever is better, you’re going home.” What? Oh no, she really is crazy. Ryan says “That sums it up.” Simon says there are no second chances. Three are going through. He likes Ryan’s hair, and references Single White Female, trying to say Ryan wants hair like his. Hmm, I really don’t think so, Simon.

Ryan tells us some more stuff that we know by now: 1 girl, 1 guy, and the next person with the highest votes goes through this week. Then he tells us the theme is the Billboard top 100. Wow. Can you please pick a broader topic?

First up is Jackie Tohn, 28, from New York. They show her audition with the sun shade falling over again, and apparently saving her from a negative comment from Simon. She says she’s never wanted anything more. Her goal is to get Ms. Abdul upon her feet. (Fail.) What the heck is she wearing? It looks like a halter top, black tights, and a red weight belt with basketball shoes. She actually looks like she’s having fun singing, she seems comfortable on stage, and packs a powerful punch with that raspy voice! Randy “likes her trousers,” is not blown away by her vocals, and thinks she’s a good entertainer. Kara says she can work a stage and has a big personality. Paula says she got her up dancing. (Okay, so she didn’t fail.) She wasn’t perfect, but perfect is boring. She’s a true performer, all fell in love, blah blah blah. Simon said she was ungainly, gimmicky, played the clown. (Just the outfit, Simon.) She didn’t do herself any favors. He didn’t like the trousers or what she was wearing at all.
Then, something weird is happening tonight. They have parents or spouses or friends up in the Red Room, and they might have to answer some of Ryan’s questions, or might not get any screen time at all, who knows? Jackie’s dad says he’s extremely proud. Her mom says that Jackie should just be herself, have fun, etc. Jackie says she wanted to show that she is a rockin’ entertainer. Then she proceeds to do….. da da da duh!!!! Number Fingers! Aaaaah! They’re back! Already? I wasn’t prepared. Neither was Jackie’s mom, who actually looked embarrassed at that moment. Commercial break.
We are back in the Red Room, with Ryan and Ricky Braddy, 26, from North Carolina. Who? I don’t recall anything about this guy from previous weeks, but apparently Ryan knows a great back-story about Ricky serving chicken fingers. Yawn! Ricky now has to “Do what makes me happy.” Apparently wearing a purple velvet jacket and singing “A Song for You,” is what he’s talking about. This guy can actually sing. He has a really nice voice. Good thing he’s gotten so much time on the show, and people will be waiting to vote for him. Nope, we had to see the back stories of some people who are now cut from the show instead.
Paula was up on her feet during his song. Randy said he had beautiful tone and a nice voice. Kara said “You killed that.” Amazing, effortless, good job. Paula said you weren’t featured; you deserve to go very far. Simon said he’s not jumping out of his chair – great voice, but no star quality. You are a shy guy who lacks confidence. Then, we go to the Red Room and see why. His parents are wearing matching shirts that say the Braddy Bunch.
Commercials, then an iTunes plug.

Third up is Alexis Grace, 21. At her first audition, the judges told her to “dirty herself up.” Well, whatever she did, she looks amazing. Black dress, heels, pink hair streaks. And, she can sing! Randy said you have the dirt, the soul. “I’m loving you.” Kara says the genie is out of the bottle. (I think it’s a code spy thing.) Paula says you have so much soul, passion, confidence, you are cute and petite, inside you are large, a quiet confidence that I love. (She makes more sense the more tired I get.) Simon says she’s the best so far of the three. He throws out a comparison Kelly Clarkson. (No you didn’t!) Labels her the “one to watch.” We go to the Red Room, where her dad just arrived from the 60’s. I think her mom is also embarrassed by the Number Fingers.

Next there is a tape problem, and then we get to see for the first time since his audition, Brent Keith, 29. He says he’s living paycheck to paycheck. (Um, so is most of the world, Brent.) He decides to sing “Hick town”…. Because “this is who I am.” He is really cute, but that song has a range of about 5 notes! Bummer. I think he’s going to be out because of this. I started listening to the backup singers…. Where are they anyway? They are sounding good. I know I’m bored when I’m more interested in the back-up singers.
Randy likes him, and his “country roots.” (Did you notice his dimples, Randy?) Kara says he played it safe tonight, and that it wasn’t rangy enough. (I called it!) She wants him to take more risks. Paula wants “America to remember the auditions…. His falsetto.” (Umm, Paula, remember we weren’t there. We only got to hear a few seconds of him.) Simon said he was forgettable. Not original. Then, Brent says, “Personally, I don’t think country fans will forget that.” (Oyo, a little cocky, and playing the country card. Wow.) In the Red Room, Brent’s wife says that she always believed. Awe shucks.

After the break, we have Stevie Wright, 17, who soon turns into a train wreck. She is nervous, off-key, and even seemed to not even have enough air behind her voice at a couple points. Her song had a range of about 4 notes, and I was actually a little embarrassed for her. She seems nice, and this sucked.
Randy said, “Wow. Not hot for me.” Kara agrees, and feels that her song had nothing to do with who she, Stevie, is. Paula says this is not the Stevie Wright we fell in love with. Not the right song. Simon says it was terrible. She was nervous, she was out of tune, and she has a zero chance of going further. Then, we have to go to the Red Room, where Stevie’s mom says she doesn’t get it about the song choice issue (Ooo, I bet she picked it!), and Stevie looks likes she’s trying really hard not to cry!

Next up is Anoop Desai, 22, with two caterpillars above his eyes. He sings, “Angel of Mine.” The back-up singers sound awesome on this song, too, and I can really hear them. Again, something is off if I am focusing on them. Good vocals at the end of the song, though, by Anoop.
Randy says he was a little sharp, but he is still a huge fan. Kara agrees with Randy. He didn’t nail it. Paula says that America has connected with him in a LARGE way. (Easy Paula.) Simon says the song was too grown up for him, and too serious, but that he has MASSIVE likeability. In the Red Room, his parents were given really no face time. What? No fair!

Casey Carlson, 20, was up next. She is super cute, and chooses to sing a song by the Police, because it’s one of those songs that make you feel good. (Uh-oh, I feel a train wreck is coming.) Not only was her singing weak, but she seemed a little off in her timing. Also, she had some seriously weird facial expressions.
Randy said, “Ooo, that was not good for me.” Karaoke. Kara said that everything about that was wrong and that she fell really flat. Paula said that “guys think you are exquisite, beautiful,” but it just didn’t work. Simon said it was atrocious, but she looks good. Up in the Red Room, Casey’s mom said that she loves her and that she rocked the stage. Casey’s mom is sweet, and then she tries to get votes for her. Cool mom or a little too pushy?

Next up is our Oil Rigger, Michael Sarver. He seems like a great family guy. Then, he starts singing! His song shows no range, and is he off-key? My husband even pipes in with, “Geez, that sucks!”
Randy says it started rough. (Duh, Randy! It was rough the whole time!) You didn’t perform it that well. Kara says it wasn’t his best performance. You are likable. Paula says, “I’m not going to be as hard as they are.” (What did you just say?) Simon says this is a tricky one. They like him, and he hopes America gives him another shot. (Wow, they really want him in this one..)

Next is Anne Marie Boscovich, 22. She looks great in her blue dress. Then, she proceeds to take on “Natural Woman.” She has a great voice, but it is not doing justice to that song. Then, they show Ted Dansen in the audience for the 57th time.
Randy says that it wasn’t the right song. Kara says that song is so big. Paula says that she “gave it her all.” Simon says that her voice is not good enough for that song. Then, she proceeds to go to the Red Room and “sits on the hard part.” Ryan, who is obsessed with sexual innuendo, can’t help but make a comment about that.

Stephen Fowler, 26, from Ohio is number 10 of the night. I am so worried. that he’s going to forget his lyrics AGAIN. He chooses Michael Jackson’s “Rock with You,” and because of this should have his head examined. He has a good voice, but it was just weird.
Randy says pitchy, not good. Kara said he’s not connected to the song; Paula says that singing that song is the kiss of death. Simon says that that was a pointless performance, and that it was corny.
We don’t even get to go to the Red Room, as Steven’s wife is at home. She’s busy!

After the break, we get none other than Tatiana del Toro, 24. Tatidrama is wearing what appears to be a party dress. No weird flowy dress like the audition? And, through tears, she tells us that she’s not going to let anyone get in the way of her dream. Tears. Drama, etc. And, she’s going to sing a Whitney song! Then, she starts singing, and SHE SOUNDS GOOD! Really good. I had an “ew” moment when she was gyrating and singing “making love the whole night through….” Ew again. And, at the end of her song, I had to rewind to see her facial expression again. Eyes closed, head back. Verrrrrry dramatic. I actually laughed out loud.
Randy said she had some moments, and she actually can sing. Kara said it’s like a roller coaster ride with her. Who are you? Paula is not used to this “demure” Tatiana! (Oh, good word, Paula!) Simon says she is a complete and utter drama queen, and she’s desperate to be famous. She is also better than he expected. Simon and Kara like the old Tatiana.
Ryan is in the Red Room with Tatiana’s “cousins,” because “in Puerto Rico, we are all cousins.” (Could this actually be true? This explains a lot about her.) Then, Tatiana says, “America, this is my dream and it’s up to you to keep it alive – gracias.” She really has to be joking. That is just too campy to be serious.

Suspiciously last, is pull-at-your-heartstrings-with-my-back-story Danny Gokey, 28. Heck, even if he didn’t have such a bittersweet story, I would still like him. I wish he was my BFF. But, his real BFF Jamar was there in the audience, offering his devotion forever along with a few more facial piercings. When Danny said he was going to sing “Hero” by Mariah Carey, I said, “Uh-oh,” thinking Don’t Do It! But he sounded really good. Really really good.
Randy called him the “redeemer of the night,” and blazing hot. Kara said you are great; incredible (along with several table thumps with her hand,) Paula said, “You are stellar. I have two words with a hyphen: Sold-out Arenas.” (Thanks Paula for announcing your statement.) Simon said it was not fantastic, but it was good, and that he is a very very good singer. Danny said that he pictures people rising about and knowing there is a future ahead. (What’s not to like about that?) No Red Room for Danny, as his BFF was right there in the audience. And, here’s the best part: No Number Fingers!

Okay, who are your favorites so far of these twelve? Chime in.

1 comment:

  1. Tatiana...Ya, she sounded good. Doesn't matter, she is so annoying the judges felt horribly uncomfortable giving her compliments. They, like me, were obviously hoping she would butcher that song. Now we cross our fingers and hope America ditches her.
    as for Danny...the judges are infatuated with him. Yes, he did sing well, but they need to lay off the Gokey Kool-Aid and come back to reality. It is too early in the competition for this idolatry.
    Other great performances...Alexis and Anoop! Ricky Braddy sang well but bored me. The could tell they had no experience performing like this. Sadly, it showed.
