Wednesday, March 17, 2010

American Idol Season Nine!!!!
There were many great moments last night, the least of which was not all the great shots of Crystal's awesome dad with the chin strap hat. I hope she stays around for awhile, and after her great performance she probably will.
Other highlights: Big Mike's dancing with a wide-leg stance, cutie Casey, awesome Lee, and Siobhan kicking butt.
So many other great moments....... I promise to post more in the future!
But, the big message for the day: get your picks in and sign up before 5:00 Pacific time today!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post Annie! Yes, definitely some great moments, but some baaad ones too!

    I'm counting on either Paige or Katie to go out tonight and expect to see both in the bottom 3.
