Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Top 11 Perform "Bill-bored" top 100

The Giant Ryan Head starting out last night's show should have been an omen to all of us that the show was going to be very odd. Really, with 52 years of top 100 songs to choose from, did we HAVE to hear so many songs that have been performed on Idol already? And, to top it off, the mentor for the night was that resource of wisdom and experience that can only come from age and experience, Miss Miley Cyrus herself. Lord, help us. Don't get me wrong, I love "Party in the U.S.A." just as much as almost anyone, but usually when it comes to the idea of "mentor," I usually expect someone older than 17. But, This Is American Idol!
Here's a quick re-crap of last night's performances:
Lee Dewyze - great smokey voice, but a little boring. I kept drifting off in my mind. Yes, a little of that is due to ADD, but it wasn't that exciting. Am I right? I liked the brass band, the back-up singers, and the black outfit, but it wasn't that exciting. Good. I give him a "B."
Paige Miles - WTF? "Pitchy" is an understatement. She gets an "F," even with those five-inch high heels.
Tim Urban - owes an apology to Freddy Mercury. Tim is cute, and was good at sliding across the stage (did you see that?) But, it was just okay, and as a huge Queen fan, it did nothing for me. I think he gets a "D+."
Aaron Kelly - Had larangitus AND tonsellitus. (What? I need a medical briefing here about just what he has.) Seriously, I have heard this song on American Idol several times before - most recently from Alison Ireheta. This was okay. He'll stick around. Not awesome, but not too bad. He gets a "B."
Crystal Bowersox - ruled. Nice job channeling Janis Joplin and sounding awesome. Not boring. Crystal made all the judges happy and not embarrased that they are part of this show. She even had a magic carpet that she brought in special. I'm loving this girl, and can't wait to see what she does next. Not in the Adam Lambert way, where I wonder what awesome over-the-top thing she is going to do, but I just love hearing her sing. She's really good. "A."
Michel Lynche - lifted Miley up off her feet. This guy is likable in the older brother let's hang out way. His voice was solid, except sometimes I feel he doesn't enunciate very well. He sang a sexy song in a sexy way, "hoping to speak to the lovers out there." Excuse we while we all go get our Corvosier and listen to the Ladies' Man. He was okay to good. C+.
Andrew Garcia - missed his guitar and tried to make up for it in awkward dancing. I arrived late to watching this season, and I know a lot of you really like Andrew. I'm going to have to go back through my recorded episodes and find some love for him, because I think he's just alright. He seems sweet and his voice is okay, but I don't feel any huge love for him yet. D+
Katie Stevens - I loved the Fergie song. This girl seemed comfortable and I thought she did a great job. Yes, she had some pitch issues, but okay overall. C.
Casey James - oozes cuteness. I loved how he told Miley, "I'm a big fan..... of your dad's." Awesome. What the heck was up with his song choice, though? Huey Lewis? Brought me back to the Paso Robles Mid-State fair in 1986 or so. The song was a little boring, but I really like his voice, his sexiness, his smile, and his guitar playing. I predict he is safe. B.
Didi Benami - came out with one sleeve missing on her bedazzled dress. I thought she was okay, and I really like her voice. The judges kinda ripped her a new one - saying she was pitchy, not the right song, very dramatic, etc. I don't think she was that bad. B-.
Siobhan Magnus - this girl is awesome. She's super tall, can look like a geek and then a beautiful rock star. She likes to channel Adam Lambert at times with her rock star screaming (but of course no one is as good at that as Adam.) She wears the wierdest things (doilie under a black vesty thing with a lady's face peeking out.) She sang Stevie Wonder's song, Superstition, which reminded me of Elliot Yamin. She is amazing, fearless, and will be around for awhile. It wasn't her best, but she was pretty darn great. B+.
What did you think? Bottom three - probably Paige, Andrew, and Tim. But Tim might have lots of girls voting for him...... so maybe Paige, Andrew, and Katie. What do you guys think?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for another great run down Annie. Anyone watching from my house last night really appreciates it since my recorder missed the first half of the show.

    I thought the performances last night (that we saw) were generally boring. It just seems that the talent this year isn't quite up to historical standards. Has Idol already harvested all of the available talent from this country?! I think not.


    P.S. Didn't I see you at that Huey Lewis concert in '86? ;)

  3. Posted by Brad Bennett:

    Thanks for the great run down Annie. Anyone watching from my house last night really appreciates it since my recorder missed the first half of the show.

    I thought the performances last night (that we saw) were generally boring. It just seems that the talent this year isn't quite up to historical standards. Has Idol already harvested all of the available talent from this country?! I think not.


    P.S. Didn't I see you at that Huey Lewis concert in '86? ;)

  4. I'm glad the blog is back! I found myself grimacing at many of the performances last night. But I think Paige is going home tonight fo sho. Her and her romper room short overalls/coveralls have got to go. Sorry to be so mean but she should have been sent packing the week she butchered Smile.

  5. yes...... 1986 Huey Lewis ...... You were there, Brad.
