Thursday, March 25, 2010

Top 10 revealed!

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have our top 10!
I think America got it right last night, based on the performances from Tuesday. Paige leaves the group, and we are left with only four girls and all six guys.

Some highlights (or lowlights) from last night's show:

The horrific Group Song. They all looked super awkward, and the zoomed-in shot of Michael's hand with his finger pointing up to the sky was so wierd, and became even more surreal when he brought it down into a "jazz hand." Most of the kids successfully butchered the "jazz basic step," and looked pretty uncomfortable. All in all, the awkwardness was quite awesome. Let's have more of this.

Next we were treated to the Ford Vommercial (commercial + vommit.) The best think about this was when they showed the contestants after showing the commercial all of them were smiling and clapping - except Lee. He was probably thinking, "I refuse to clap and giggle for whoring ourselves out to Ford by making such a ridiculous video involving McDonald's playstructure balls meant for toddlers and putting them in a fountain and acting like the whole thing is so effing hilarious. No, I just can't crack a smile here, folks."

We also got to see Miley Cyrus looking abolutely beautiful singing and playing the piano. I was secretly hoping that the judges could say to her, "It was all a bit nasaly, and I just don't get the way you scrunch up your face when you sing,"..... or something like that. Awesome dress and hair extensions, though!

Then, before we could find out who went home, one of the Jonas brothers sang with another "hot young star," and I really didn't pay enough attention to that to even comment. I must have been really bored.

A couple other highlights:

Ryan....... when Michael watches his own kid it's not called "babysitting." He's the father. Get it?

Siobhan..... your boss and friends are a little odd. I'm worried about how big Brooks' beard might get. And, the Siobhan-bies are not the usual fans. I like that, but the fake blood is just a bit odd. But, I kinda like the potential for future shows...... to see what they might be wearing.

Katie - I'm sorry your dad can't sit through an hour show and has to go drink. You can write a book about it later.

I think the right girl left tonight. Paige seems to have a great attitude and I'm sure she'll do well in whatever she chooses to do.

Comments? What do you guys think? Which songs do you think people should pick for next week - R & B night? I'm looking forward to it!

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