Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Top 10 Perform!

Just When I thought the season wasn't going to be that great, the Idol contestants (mostly) step it up a notch!

We even got a peek at the backstage area with Simon saying that they (the judges) were making out, and I'm sure viewers everywhere thought he was so incredibly witty and funny. Ugh. Here we go!

Usher was the mentor tonight - love his music, and he is incredibly cute. But, can someone please tell me why he wears his sunglasses all the time? Does he have very sensitive eyes to go with his sensitive personality?

First up was Siobhan. A little off key at times and altogether not great. The judges spent a long time talking with her afterwards, which I can only think that they were surprised about her semi-sucky performance. Her dress was wierd - and her boots were wierder. However, the judges all liked the boots, but not her performance. She gets a "C." She's still a good singer.

Next was Casey James. He still makes Ryan look really small. Casey showed some awesome guitar playing, a lot of confidence, and some pretty good singing. Cute and hot. Plays the guitar and sings. Not the best of them, but really good. He gets a "B."

Big Mike was next. The Ladies' Man sang, "Ready for Love." I really liked the song and the arrangement, and we were spared his wide-stance dancing and finger pointing because he was sitting and playing the guitar. I felt this really worked for him. We even got to see the sway-bots in the audience swaying to his song. Really good. "A-"

Next was Didi Benami. She looked beautiful in her sparkly dress, and her arms looked really good. I wonder if she works out? She was a little pitchy, dawg, and overall, not really good. Ryan did his best after the song to make her cry about why she can identify to the song, "What becomes of the broken-hearted." She did not give in to Ryan - held her ground hard. Go, Didi! The judges didn't like it. She gets a "C-."

Next was smiley Tim Urban, or "Teflon Tim," according to some people. He sang, Sweet Love, wearing a jacket and tie, and looking "adorable," as Ellen calls him. My mind wandered a lot during this song, which usually means that it wasn't that great. The judges didn't like it. Ellen summed it up with two words..... "but, why?" Classic. Kara said he took the soul out the song, and I agree. Sorry. "D-"

Andrew Garcia actually was amazing, singing "Forever." He sat, played his guitar, and was amazing. He had a string bass and drum on the stage with him ..... nice vibe. He made the other string players sit down in the pit with the sway-bots, though. His back-up singers sounded great, and so did he. I actually got chills. Okay guys, I get why you like him now. He was fabulous. Randy said, "Andrew is back!" And, how cute was Andrew regarding his mom? "Be nice, Mama." He loves his mama in the zebra vest.

Katie Stevens was next. Something about her next is a little strange to me. Maybe thicker than you would think for her body? What the hell was she wearing? A grey satin shorts jumpsuit with mom shorts and shiny pleather tights underneath? Katie! She was okay. Her voice was actually really good. The judges didn't love her - they want her to sound younger and they don't agree about which style she should pursue. That must be a little wierd for her. She gets a "B."

Next was Lee - who knocked it out of the park. He ruled, sounded awesome, looked great playing his guitar and singing, and made it look effortless. He has such a husky, full, soul-filled voice. Beautiful. The judges loved him, and so did I. "A."

Crystal was next. She played piano and wore high heels. Her song arrangement was beautiful, gave me tears. Awesome. Amazing! She didn't look super comfortable in her dress, and maybe concentrating on playing the piano held her vocals back at the beginning. She pulled the rest of the song off.... it was amazing. She is incredible. She has such a great voice and wonderful style. I will be getting this one off iTunes for sure. "A."

Aaron Kelly was last. He really has a great voice. I was waiting for a big moment, but it didn't happen. Like Kara said, "I liked it, but I wasn't in love with it." I also thought it was funny that he kinda ignored Usher's advice about the "I know, I know, I know" line. Weak. But, he has a great voice and can go far with it. He's only 16 after all! "B."

So, what did you think? Remember to get your picks in!!!


1 comment:

  1. Tough choice tonight. Definitely some good performances, and definitely some bad ones. Tim? Didi? I thought Siobhan had a tough night, but love her and hope she hangs in there.
