Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Country Top Two!

Last night the Idols sang six country songs, looked pretty, and the judges only had good things to say. (See, you don't even have to watch it.)

I was so completely not into it, that I watched it with my three little kids and let them talk the entire time. (So unlike me!)

The good news is: So You Think You Can Dance starts on Thursday night! (I digress.)

Actually, both these kids (youngest finale ever) sound pretty good, will probably make albums, and their future looks bright.

Scotty was so completely mellow the whole night - I love how "chill" he is. Lauren actually looked like she was trying - and had the best moment of the night when she sang the "mama" song and had a moment with her freakishly young mom (and dad.)

And, I'm sorry I haven't written previously about Hard Rock Fiddle Dude. This guy wants to be a rock star so badly. I wish we could vote for him.

Who else thought the Taio Cruz song was boring? My 5-year-old was convinced it was Usher. No, I said, it's Taio Cruz. "Yah, but they also call him Usher." So funny. It's the sunglasses. I liked the industrial drummers, though.

I think the producers all want Lauren to win...... with all the Carrie Underwood references throughout the night. Not going to happen, people. Scotty has it in the bag. Maybe that's why he was so chill. I did love how he got all choked up during last Thursday's show when he went home. That was actually really sweet.

I predict confetti for Scotty. What do you guys think?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Top Three Perform 3 Times Each!

Last night the three remaining Idol contestants sang a song they picked, one picked by Jimmy Iovine, and one picked by the judges. It was a crazy night full of tripping, panty hose ripping, babylockthemdoors-ing, and Beyonce-ing.

First up was Scotty singing another country song, Amazed, by Lone Star. Boring, cliche, but he sang it well, except the higher notes, where I wrote "ew on the high notes," in my notes. (I could write he sucked donkey balls here and no one would care, because he is safe anyway.) He actually will be snatched up by a country record label in two seconds if he doesn't win Idol. So, it would probably be better for him if he doesn't. He's safe tonight, though.

Lauren was next with "Wild One" from Faith Hill. Repetitive. I do like it better when she sings an upbeat song like this one, because she seems to let loose a little more. I was a little distracted by the huge flower earrings and hideous shirt/dress though.

Haley basically stuck her finger up at the producers and sang a Led Zeppelin song, showing she's going to to do what she wants to and too bad. She even got her dad to play guitar with her, which was extremely amazing and very cool. She also fell down, which ruled. She recovered nicely, too. Jlo said that they all do it, for instance, Beyonce fell in a show (touche, Beyonce!) And, I myself, Jlo, my mic went out. I am way too perfect to fall down, but my mic went out, which is totally someone else's fault. Ryan also heard me say in a performance that someone is going to get fired for a mistake they made that affected me.

The judges actually only said good things about the Chorus, and didn't say anything bad. I know they were holding back, because they have been hard on her the past two weeks after her first songs. The CHORUS was good. (The rest was kinda mumbly but we won't talk about that.)

Round 2

Scotty sang, Are You Going to Kiss Me Or Not, by Thomson Square. While the song was going on forever, I couldn't help but notice that he looks a lot like George W. Bush, and makes some corny faces like him, too. It was okay and kinda cute. Jlo wants his head shaved again. Whatever works.

Lauren was up with If I Die Young, by That Band Perry. She forgets some of the words and goes off Key a little. But, the judges won't call her out completely on it. They want to appear nice tonight, I guess. It was actually a good range for her. Thanks, Jimmy.

Haley was next, forced to sing Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac. Everyone likes Haley singing like Stevie Nicks, and it works. Hilarious how they turned on the airplane propeller fan and she writhed around in it for a little big too long. Cool at the beginning, but for too long!

Next we were treated to a Beyonce video where she was wearing lots of metallic material. She's incredibly beautiful. No argument there.

Round 3.

Scotty sang She Believes in Me, by the Gambler. I love when he looks at the camera and attempts to give us a smoldering look. Priceless. Pretty good singing, but Kenny can out sing him in a second on that song. Safe anyway.

Lauren, dressed as Cinderella, sang I Hope You Dance. She did a good job with this one. Nice. Jlo said she got "goosies from head to toe." Then, I thought Ryan said, "douchies," later. Probably not, darn it.

Haley next was forced to sing You Outta Know, which basically is a ton of words crammed together in an angry song and then you get to the big choruses. So, the judges all said they liked the Choruses again, and refused to say anything really bad, except Jlo who said, "I think we all heard the same thing in the middle parts. I think the stronger parts were the choruses." Awesome. I also cracked up when they changed the words from "would she go down on you in a theater," to "would she go down with you to the theater." Super hilarious.

I predict Mr. Babylockthemdoors Turnthelightsdownlow is safe. Lauren or Haley to go home. What do you think?

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Top 4! (Everyone Except Haley Won!)

Last night the contestants sang their hearts out and tried to show us that they are worthy of winning. Everyone got props the first round, except Haley, and they all got praise for their second songs. This was almost an exact repeat of the script from last week, which makes me a little suspicious that the judges are following a script. The judges seem incapable of saying anything bad or mean this year, except when it seems clear that they want someone to go.

How funny is this picture...... with James peeking out from behind the wall? So weird.

James was up first, singing a song from Glee, called "Don't Stop Believing." Oh, yeah, that's right. It's really a Journey song. James has a great voice, and sang it well. The problem is - it's been sung so many times that I was kinda bored. Thank God for the smoke. I was hoping for fire, as usual with James, but smoke will do. It was green, too, so that's a bonus.

His next song was Love Potion #9. This was also really good. Maybe the smoke was in this song. I can't remember. Bottom line: he's safe. I don't know if he loosened his hips enough for Gaga, but I doubt it. There were pyrotechnics, though, more importantly.

Next was Haley. The judges decided to rip her a new one for picking a song that wasn't good for her. Honestly, I think she should have picked a song that more people actually knew, but I don't think she deserved such frowny faces from Randy and Jlo. Steven can never say anything bad, apparently. He told her not to listen to them, and clearly she wasn't. She couldn't stop interrupting Randy and talking back. I actually said, "Don't talk back to the judges," out loud. (Insert my face cringing.) She is kinda over it with the two judges of doom.

Her second song was, again, a thousand times better. I think she's going home, though. Ryan ushered her down to kiss kiss with the judges, even though she seemed to be cringing at this.

Scotty was next, singing a song about Jesus, September 11, and America. Oh please. He's so smart. Safe. His second song didn't even matter and he obviously didn't even try to hide his flute-playing and limp wrist dancing, and awkward hip movements. This was the corniest dance/song performance. The audience and cameras all got goofy glances from him, and I'm going to kiss MY cross, Scotty, after that performance to hopefully take the layer of EWE off of me. He's safe because of America and Jesus and not knowing the difference between Iran and Iraq. (Why is this okay to admit?)

The best part of the night was Lady Gaga and her "mentoring" of the contestants. She was hilarious with Scotty, telling him to make the microphone his girlfriend. Scotty did not know what to do with her or that situation, which was hilarious. So, he kissed his cross, hoping to not go to hell for being touched by the crazy black and white panda, Gaga.

Speaking of Gaga, did you love her outfit and makeup? She probably said to herself, "Okay, I have to do something completely over the top to shake up American Idol a little bit." I loved the giant mole, the eye makeup, and the hot pants. Love it. Bring it, girl.

Lauren sang two songs, and what I remember the most is her very pretty eyes, her extremely long train on her dress, her cute moment with Ryan when she leaned on his shoulder, and that her singing was pretty good. She's young, and I think as she gets older she will "go for it" a little more with her voice and singing. Sometimes I think she holds back due to lack of confidence. But, this girl can sing.

Sometimes I just want to smack Randy over the head when he says, "in it to win it" ten times per night. Barf. Also, Randy, what are "Bluesy run-ses." Awesome line of the night.

Jlo looked beautiful as usual. Steven had a couple great lines, including, "don't listen to them," (the other judges,) and "you just Reinharted your way......" Pretty cool.

The best line of the weird night though, goes to Ryan, when he said, "Thank you very much for that activity," after James sang. Activity? So funny.

What do you guys think? Can Haley escape doom?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Top Five "Are In It, to Win It!" (Trademark phrase)

Last night the top five Idol contestants tried to live up to Randy's catch-phrase, "In It, to Win It." I tried to make a tally for how many times Randy said that, and I was up to at least six.

The idols sang songs from "Now and Then," whatever that means. The surprise mentor this week was the incredible Sheryl Crow, who basically got to sing duets with all the idols during rehearsals. I think I would have loved to see that during the whole show.

First up was James Durbin. The judges clearly want him to stay, because the 30 Seconds to Mars song was pretty boring, had a 3-note range, and was just okay. The judges liked him anyway. Oh yea, he does have a good voice.

His second song was way better, but involved tears, emotion, and being off-key a little, but the producers and everybody want him to stay, so he's safe.

Jacob was next with the Don't Miss performances of the night. He sang "No Air" which involved pelvic thrusts and crotch grabs, and singing both parts of a duet. What's not to like there? His second song, "Love Hurts," really did hurt me, with the wierd stomping and all. But, the judges praised him. I still think he's going home.

Lauren was next. She actually was great in this up-tempo Carrie Underwood song. She was actually great. Her second song was a ballad, and she look beautiful, but the song was a little powerless. The producers want her to stay, so Jlo just said, "There's nothing to judge."

Scotty was next, singing a less boring song than usual. No more fluting the mic, either. Nice. His second song was pretty good, and he's going to be safe (surprise! Not.)

Last up was Haley. The judges ripped her up for singing an unreleased GaGa song, even though Jimmy Iovine basically told her to do it. She was really good, but the script probably told the judges to rail her a little, so they bagged on her. Not her fault. Her second song about someone becoming a ho was really really good. The acapella at the beginning was amazing and chilling, and the judges praised her. Maybe trying to add drama to the way that they ripped her earlier. She even got a standing ovation from the judges.

The best part of the night for me was when Haley gave a look at the end of her song that said, "Yah, I can sing. Take that, y'all." And, also Jacob's pelvic thrusts, crotch-grabbing, and stomping. Beautiful.

I say Jacob or Haley goes home, and I sure hope it's Jacob.

What do you think?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Top Six "Turn the Other Cheek" and Are "In It, to Win It!"

Last night, Randy made an attempt to show that he went to Prep School, or College, or somewhere where they wear sweaters with giant letters of your first name on your sweater and striped ties, and make misused Biblical literary references.

Jacob Lusk is up first in the Death Spot, looking absolutely crazy awesome in his "outfit." What was that? He looked like a ventriloquist's doll or something from a Peewee Herman movie! Wow! Steven was glad that Jacob strutted his tail feathers and Randy says he's a great sing. I have to say that I loved Babyface in this segment because he told Jacob to control it again at the beginning. Jimmy says subtly that Jacob is in the most "jeopardy." I say Jacob goes home unless someone (Casey) does something totally crazy (like talk through his song and not sing.)

The next up is Lauren. Note: if you haven't watched it yet, this is your best time for a bathroom break - you don't need to pause it. Who was the guy? I didn't really enjoy looking at him as much as the camera did. Lauren does have a great voice, and the judges loved that her voice cracked because it showed that she was pushing it. Interpretation: the judges want her to stay.

The first duet was next with Haley and Casey. I love these two singing together. They are just both so good and comfortable on stage, and sound great! Steven called Casey "Weird Beard," which was kinda awesome.

Scotty McCreery tried to have a moment with, "You've Got a Friend." It was pretty good. He tried to keep his hand on his leg so he wouldn't "flute" the microphone, and only caved one time I think. Someone also must have told him to sit his butt down so as to not do any weird creepy dancing. Randy said he liked how Scotty turned the other cheek and he actually liked his other cheek. Weird. Jlo said she's never heard him try the higher notes before and it was okay. (So, can we just SAY that he's a one-trick pony yet?) He actually sounded okay. Safe.

Next was James, in a great performance. This song actually showed his voice: the guy sings amazingly in tune and has a great voice! Randy again said that James turned the other cheek, and I absolutely love that Randy has added this phrase to his repertoire of 10 phrases. So great!

Lauren and Scotty had a duet next where Lauren sang circles around Scotty - again.

Casey was next with an awesome crazy song. He pretty much growled and talked the whole time. I am a fan, but he just went Casey Crazy here. Aren't we supposed to be singing? The judges liked how he worked the stage and made Steven's scalp itch. (Better get that checked out, Steven.) Randy loves how Casey reminds him of his home state of New Orleans! Um, Randy....... New Orleans is not a state. No comments about the singing. Translation: the judges want him to stay. Randy added very late...... less growling! (Um, duh!)

Haley was next. She had some sound mishap, but sang amazingly well even with that stress before her song. She is so cute, and did a great job. Steven said he just saw God/heard God.

Last, Jacob and James had a hilarious "duet." The big guys in white pants made me laugh no matter what they were going to do. They themselves were cracking up that they had to do a duet together. Steven even called everyone out on the craziness of it and said he wasn't sure what they were doing with that - and didn't even smile. This is Steven, who always has something nice to say. Nice work.

So, I say it's either Jacob or Casey to go home. So, let's hear what you have to say. Are you "In It to Win It?" And, will you "Turn the other cheek" on this blog post?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Top 7 Recap - (What did they BLEEP out?)

Last night I was left wondering - what did Steven Tyler say for ten seconds that AI had to bleep out? No fair.

My favorite performance of the the whole season actually happened last night - from the Idol "rejects," also known as "Paul and His Harem." This was all kinds of awesome. Paul had this big solo, because he was the only guy, and he proceeded to forget 75% of it. Perfect. I think I saw Pia trying to help him out when he forgot the words. Poor Pia. She's probably thinking, "You are kidding me, right? Now I have to help him out!" Naima's crazy jumping was not lost on me either. She's pretty amazing. This was so crazy to me, because they all seemed to be trying so hard to look like rock stars. Soooooo great.

Scotty was up first, singing a song by Leann Rimes about being on a swing with a girl. This didn't make sense to me, and rightly so, because it's from 1963 or something and originally sung by a guy. Is this cheating? (Songs from the 21st century, right?) It doesn't matter, though, because the guy who holds the mic like a flute will be safe, even with a boring song. Bluhhhhhh.

James Durbin was next. I loved how his Idol friends were kinda making fun of his scarfs he always wears in his pocket. His performance: The marching band drummers were awesome, and unexpected. James' clothes were also very interesting, and I actually liked this performance. I'd never heard the Muse song, but I thought James did a good job.

Haley was next with an Adele song. (Soooooo much better in my opinion than Gwyneth covering Adele on Glee!) I thought it was pretty good. A little boring, but pretty good. She's cute.

Jacob is know by his Idol friends as a diva. Wow. We are so surprised. Jacob sings a song about missing his dad, and he will probably get votes for that. Awe. Randy wants the crazy over-the-top Jacob back. I kinda do too.

Casey Abrams. I just love him. He picks a Maroon 5 song. He really can sing anything, and sings in tune. He gets in the faces of the judges because he feels like it, and then kisses Jennifer on the cheek. I love it. Steven goes crazy and they bleep him out, but good job Casey. Stir it up. Great singing.

Stefano was next. He was actually looking at the camera with his EYES OPEN. Good job. His eyes are actually dark and sparkly. When he dances, he moves a little, then plants his feet in a solid stance. Signature Stefano. This was probably one of his better performances, but I feel like he is in the danger zone.

Lauren was next. She had the last spot, and an opportunity to hit some really great notes and blow people away. She didn't! She has such a great voice, but we all still think she is holding back. She will be safe, I think. But, come on Lauren!

Bottom 3: Stefano, Haley, Casey or Jacob

What do you guys think?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Top 8 perform!

The top 8 performed songs from the movies last night.

My biggest question: Why was Jlo wearing a loofah at the bottom of her dress? I'm calling it V-fluff. Steven sported tight white jeans, a blouse, as usual, and little cavebones on his necklace. It would be fun looking in his closet. And, every week Randy gets closer to prep school. It started with the v-neck sweaters, then the glasses, and now he even added a TIE! Hmmm...... going for the smart look, I guess. You, for me, for you, dawg!

Onward. Jlo is now "the most beautiful woman in the world." She IS extremely beautiful, so I'm glad we have that settled. We can stop looking until next year for someone prettier. So, sit back and relax!

Paul starts out with another flower suit (I liked it!) and sang Old Time Rock and Roll. It's the dreaded first spot. He was ridiculous and not too bad. He distracted us with Sax girl and the tambourine, and only got positive comments. Then Ryan HAD to add the sleaze with, "If you liked Sax with Paul," vote ....... Ewe.

Next up was Lauren, singing a Mylie Cyrus song. Okay, I am really enjoying Will i. am.'s comments...... but, not really sure why he is still here. I am liking it, though!

Lauren's performance was kinda boring, though. I realize she was trying to channel Pia, but it was kinda dull. She moved Steven beyond tears, though. (What?)

Next, Stefano, looking a little defeated in the taping segment, was up to sing a Boys to Men song, "End of the Road." (Will this be prophetic?) The best thing about this was HIS DAD! His dad looked so proud. Loved that. It was pretty good, and I loved the little brass section on stage. We will see if he has enough love from voters to stay.

Scotty was up next with - what? Another country song? No way! The background were a little loud. He sounded sweet and okay. His last notes were a little wierd - maybe strained. I figured out that he looks like a bobblehead to me when he sings. Safe, none the less. And, he actually seems like a nice guy in his off-stage interview. Geez. (Don't get me wrong, I'm not crazy about him, but he's growing on me.)

Casey was next. I loved his song. Loved the bass, again. "Bassy Casey." He was really good. I hope he stays.

Basically so many of the singers last night gave Jimmy Iovine the finger and didn't take his suggestions, instead doing whatever the hell they wanted to. (Scotty, Casey, James.) I loved this part of the show.

Haley. She's so cute. Great hair. Great outfit. Steven made some comment about looking up old addresses........ translation - I want to do you. Niiiiiiiiice boots, too. She did well, was smiley and true to herself. However, she is the only one the judges actually didn't put lots of love all over....... and basically thought it was the wrong song choice. We will see.

What? Is that Elvira in the audience. This show is just wierder and wierder all the time. I love it.

Jacob actually listens to Jimmy and changes his song to Bridge Over Troubled Water. He sounded great with the background singers, was actually controlled, and might have saved himself this week by being a little more humble. Nice.

James, Heavy Metal, Durbin was next. Not bad. His voice sounded great. Sounding a little too cocky with Jimmy in the pre-singing video. It was actually quite good, though. Very entertaining and the singing was good. Zakk Wylde's hair was awesome, too. I think Zakk is safe. I mean, James.

What do you guys think?

Bottom: Haley, Paul, Stefano, Casey.

Top: Casey, Jacob, James, Lauren, Scotty.

Notice Casey is in both? ......... sigh. I'm a little worried for him.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Top 9 - all sing Fine!

I couldn't resist that title. Rhyming. Never gets old. Except all the time.

I'm posting this picture of Scotty, because I'm very intrigued. So many people like him. He WILL be safe this week. He showed a different side of his voice - it wasn't just all deep and stuff. My mom likes him. I guess I kinda get it. He seems nice. But, jeez, I still have a confused look on my face about why he is such a favorite. Look at the dorky look on his face and have you noticed his weird dancing?

Okay, let's move on.

Jacob starts the night out and says, "If I end up in the bottom three, it won't be because I sang the song wrong, but it will be because America is afraid to look at themselves in the mirror." Okay Jacob, it won't be because of your creepy hip thrusts, or because I was almost more interested in hearing your back-up singer than you? He did sing pretty well, but I was too busy looking at myself in the mirror to vote for him. (My skin is so dry lately.)

Haley was up next with a Janis Joplin tune, finally. She's cute, moves well, and growled on almost every single note. I think she'll be safe, but perhaps make an appearance in the bottom three.

Casey was next with, thank God, his string bass. The judges loved it almost too much, and I think it made them ignore all the weird things he does with his mouth and all uncomfortable faces he makes. I actually loved the song, though. Safe.

Lauren was next, tackling Aretha. Brave girl. She sang it okay; actually quite well. She has a great voice. But, Randy couldn't praise her too much, because, after all, if you sing Aretha, Mariah, or Whitney, you are asking for a little grey skies from Randy. And, her weird outfit? Gwen Stefani hates her. Gingham shorts over tights? And, the shorts kept bunching up at hger crotch. Will i. am needs to create another word besides COUNTROUL........ , it will be CROTCHING, for crotch bunching. (Thanks to Annie Barrett for that one.) Safe.

James was next. I drew a little cartoon character of his head while he was singing - squinty eyes, hair sticking up, ears sticking out. I like his voice so much, I just really wish he wouldn't keep blinking on camera!! He seems very sweet and has a good voice. I appreciated that he didn't do another crazy fast tune, and I liked it. I was glad he ended with an Adam Lambert signature note, but still I don't like him as much as Adam. He can sing. I liked the strings. Safe.

Scotty was next singing Elvis. Not bad. I'm still perplexed.

Pia. What the heck did Gwen Stefani do to you? She must not like you very much. You looked so hot and beautiful last week. Well, it must have done something for Steven, because he said "a million guys are having a million drinks in a million bars over you." Translated - "I want to do you." She sang beautifully. But, if this is Pia getting "wild and crazy," then that is hilarious. Great voice. Beautiful girl. Still mellow and subdued. Safe.

Stefano, "Pink Lips," was next. What's up with his pink lips? He actually sounded good! Great song, great job. His voice is so crazy high! I thought he did a good job. Probably his best yet, in my opinion. Maybe in the bottom three though.

Last was Paul. The producers told him to go crazy and sing it, or something like that. He sure did. He had fun. He had the coveted pimp spot, being last. He might be safe, but shouldn't be. He will probably be in the bottom three. He was last and everyone there was just done, so the judges really had nothing to say, and Paul inspired all the contestants to get up and do some crazy dancing that Ryan Seacrest and I felt would never end.

Bottom three: Jacob, Stefano, Paul, and maybe Haley or Lauren. Whoa, that's five. What do you guys think?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Top 11 are touring in 2011! (Kinda makes sense)

So, we have a top 11 this year. Fresh and new for 2011!

Frankly, I am sooooo glad Casey got the save, even though I did pick him as going out this week. He got the dreaded #1 singing spot on Wednesday night, had his grungy friends in the audience which didn't do him any favors, however awesome they may be, and I'm not sure if the voting people "get him."

I totally get him. He's amazing and awesome and needs to get back up there with his string bass. He is just an amazing musician and I would be sad to see him go! (I actually picked him in my top 12 as #1.) I love him. I just don't think everyone is sharing the Casey love.

Anyway....... how great was Jacob? His performance was so controlled and glorious. I had tears. He did show beautiful retraint, and i was moved.

Okay, on to the wierdest results show ever: March 24, 2011.
Stevie Wonder - awesome. Hulk Hogan - wierd and kinda awesome. Steven Tyler's bday - of course!!!! Awesome.

On to the conflict of my restless night: How do I still like Sugarland while retaining respect for myself? Elf leggings, a red 80's bolero jacket, a gigantic seafoam belt, and a black mesh shirt that at first I also thought was a fanny pack at the bottom. Great voice, but I am really pretty freaked out by the outfit. Help! Stylist! Do I still like them? Not sure. Still freaked out.

And, the English major in me was really reeling in pain during the song, "Where you at?" ..... Really? We are not only ending the sentences in a preposition..... repeatedly; but we are are also not using the verb "are." Ouch. Painful. Jennifer Hudson, congrats on your weight loss!

So, this season not only is super glorious because of Steven Tyler, made better by Jlo, but Randy Jackson is actually saying constructive things that I agree with! (Except that last thing about James not hitting it at the beginning.)

And, back to Steven: I think he might be wearing a smaller size jeans than me. Hmmmm. Interesting. I am looooooooving his jewelry and style. Yes!

Sooooooooooooo, what do you guys think? Let's start hearing your comments!!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Crystal and Lee Face Off for the Idol Crown!

Last night Crystal and Lee had their final performances that count for the votes. What did you think?

I think Crystal owned the whole night as far as energy and performance, but Lee is still great. Based on last night, Crystal should win. But, we love Lee.

What do you guys think? I can't wait for tonight!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Top 3 Perform!

The top 3 performed last night, and we were all surprised with the outcome! (Not really, right?) Lee did amazingly well, Crystal was solid and herself, and Casey was just kinda “alright.” What did you think?

Yes, Poppoolers, it appears that — barring any strange voting wonkiness — we are headed for a Lee DeWyze-Crystal Bowersox finale. The judges really want that, as we saw when we Simon say that Lee’s second performance (of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”) proved he was “a fantastic singer and a great person.” It WAS Really good, mind you, but that arrangement with the half Gospel chorus and the mariachi horns kind of threatened to overshadow Lee. I’m going to download the full song and see what his longer version is like. I have a feeling I will like it better! Whatever. It was still Really Good!
Meanwhile, MamaSox sealed up the second spot at the Nokia, not with her unbelievably predictable spin on Melissa Etheridge —“Bring Me Some Water”— but with a vocally daring and emotionally spot-on “Maybe I’m Amazed.” Was it at all weird that she kept refering to herself as a MAN in the song? But then, I kept reminding myself that Ellen picked the song.

Casey James, by comparison, wore a really cool purple striped shirt for his second number. And, his hair looked really really nice for the first song. I actually really like John Mayer, and I thought Casey did a pretty good job. But, was it good enough to secure a top three spot?

Songs performed:
Casey James: Eric Hutchinson’s “OK, It’s Alright With Me”Crystal Bowersox: Melissa Etheridge’s “Come to My Window”Lee DeWyze: Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Simple Man”Casey James: John Mayer’s “Daughters”Crystal Bowersox: Paul McCartney’s “Maybe I’m Amazed”Lee DeWyze: Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Top 4 Perform Songs from the Cinema!

Last night the top four performed "Songs From the Cinema." The two things that stood out the most to me were: wierd song choices, and the duets were better than the solos.

In my opinion, the best solo performance was by Crystal (but wierd song choice.) The least effort for the solo was put in by Lee. Michael had the BEST backup singers performance, and Casey is in danger due to song choice and a little bleating in his voice.

The duets were really pretty good - especially the one by Lee and Crystal to "Falling Slowly." I did find it odd that the judges didn't even mention Kris Allen singing that song last year! Casey and Mike did a pretty good job - with the major highlight being Casey's awesome guitar playing!

What did you think of tonight's performances and song choices? How does Ellen maintain a tranquil expression sitting next to Randy while he obnoxiously yells ''BOO! BOO!'' during Simon's intro, and aren't you glad that Ellen actually made cracked a joke about "really ever loving a woman?" What did you think of Jamie Foxx as a mentor? (Did you like those t-shirts.) And who do you think will and should go home?